
When to Lead – When to Follow

When to Lead – When to Follow 1000 1333 Sharna Fabiano

I’m sitting in the chair in the hair salon. Normally Lionel leads these quarterly encounters, asking me charming questions about my writing, my artwork, guiding the conversation to make the…

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GREAT READS 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

Below is a collection of books that I frequently recommend to friends and clients. These titles have inspired by thinking, my creativity, and my professional work, and they cover a…

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Leading and Following at Home

Leading and Following at Home 1000 750 Sharna Fabiano

My negative spiral around exercise goes something like this: I feel lethargic and I want to move, but the thought of doing “exercise” makes me feel self-critical, which makes me…

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Say What You Mean (and mean what you say)

Say What You Mean (and mean what you say) 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

Saying exactly what you want, think, or need in words can be a remarkably challenging activity, particularly in emotionally charged moments with those we love. This is because strong emotions…

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Make Your Vision a Reality

Make Your Vision a Reality 1000 1000 Sharna Fabiano

I am honored to coach many thoughtful and creative individuals who are blazing their own trails, very often carving out a career or a way of being in their world…

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