
Lead & Follow


“It led me to reflect on how this applies to my work and personal life. I found the workshop profound and conducive to a definite aha moment.”

Set the stage for an epiphany

Embodied practices are opportunities for deep learning and integration around key principles of leadership, followership, collaboration and relational intelligence. The demo below shares footage of an end-of-day plenary at the Global Followership Conference in 2019. A blend of storytelling, movement exercises, and group reflection, these sessions are highly interactive and likely to be among the most-talked-about highlights of your conference or event. Practitioners, scholars, educators, and students working in leadership, organizational development, training, talent, culture, belonging, and change have all found the experience inspiring and revelatory!

Key participant takeaways

  • Recognize how followership skills match leadership skills in real time for clear communication and synchronized movement
  • Track the direct causal relationship between authentic connection and creative problem-solving
  • Gain techniques to establish psychological safety quickly and without words.
  • Identify practices to collaboratively address challenges and remain calm in the face of uncertainty

“We weren’t glued to our chairs listening to the theory but rather were actively engaged in the experiential learning within a clear framework set in the beginning of the session. I got to partner up with a couple people who had some great personal a-ha moments while we were going through the exercises, which was pretty special to see and be part of.”
Julia Zarina, Partnershift, Calgary

“It was very easy to associate that with real life and led me to reflect on how this applies to my work and personal life. Having felt it in my body, having seen results immediately, I found the workshop profound and conducive to a definite aha moment. I highly recommend it and am grateful to Sharna for how beautifully she brings this reflection and revelation to us.”
Priscila Assumpcao, Colabora Now, Brazil

Request a session:

To book an interactive session for your conference or event, please fill out the form below. I look forward to speaking with you!