Personal Growth

Creating Dialogue

Creating Dialogue

Creating Dialogue 899 600 Sharna Fabiano

If you have a domestic partner, spending extra time at home may be testing your relationship skills right now! If conversations are tense, it might be a great opportunity to…

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Accepting Uncertainty

Accepting Uncertainty

Accepting Uncertainty 900 900 Sharna Fabiano

Many days this past week, I have woken up with an unfamiliar tightness in my chest. I’m in good health – this was anxiety. My morning routine has become a…

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Calm Your System for Stronger Immunity

Calm Your System for Stronger Immunity 1024 768 Sharna Fabiano

Right now we’re in the midst of a veritable frenzy of action in order to protect ourselves and others from contagion. While all of this is obviously necessary, I’m also…

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Make Peace with Spending Money

Make Peace with Spending Money 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

Earlier this month, I was incredibly fortunate to spend three fascinating, challenging, and beautiful weeks on the southwestern Malabar coast of India, in the state of Kerala. As a tourist,…

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Make Your Vision a Reality

Make Your Vision a Reality 1000 1000 Sharna Fabiano

I am honored to coach many thoughtful and creative individuals who are blazing their own trails, very often carving out a career or a way of being in their world…

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Staying Centered

Staying Centered 750 946 Sharna Fabiano

I love the idea of centering, which is both a physical experience and a spiritual one at the same time. The circle comes to mind immediately, as in my recent…

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Making Stress A Catalyst For Change

Making Stress A Catalyst For Change 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

Change can be scary, I know, but when you’re looking forward in your life and thinking, “This can’t go on,” or “I don’t want to live like this anymore,” change…

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Making Decisions

Making Decisions 640 640 Sharna Fabiano

Decisions are difficult creatures, so often resisting our best efforts to wrestle an absolute guarantee out of them through rational logic. A false premise I see again and again in…

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Navigating Strong Emotions

Navigating Strong Emotions 1000 1000 Sharna Fabiano

Do you ever feel that physical or emotional sensations are simply “happening to you,” and that you don’t have much control over them? When you feel tense, anxious, angry, frustrated,…

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What is Empowerment?

What is Empowerment? 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

Isaac and I sometimes joke that we moved to California not for me to earn my MFA but so that I could meet Amy Lombardo, the gifted teacher and mentor…

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