Personal Growth

Regain your Balance

Regain your Balance 863 576 Sharna Fabiano

Welcome to the Equinox, a moment of equal light and darkness, and a moment to mark the transition into Spring (or into Fall, in the Southern hemisphere). Depending on where…

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When to Lead – When to Follow

When to Lead – When to Follow 1000 1333 Sharna Fabiano

I’m sitting in the chair in the hair salon. Normally Lionel leads these quarterly encounters, asking me charming questions about my writing, my artwork, guiding the conversation to make the…

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A Lesson from Zion

A Lesson from Zion 2016 1512 Sharna Fabiano

I may look at ease in this photo, taking in an incredible view of Zion National Park, but on the climb up to this point, I was tired, first cold, then…

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GREAT READS 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

Below is a collection of books that I frequently recommend to friends and clients. These titles have inspired by thinking, my creativity, and my professional work, and they cover a…

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Sources of Support

Sources of Support 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

What kind of support do you need this week? I don’t know anyone who has not felt their share of frustration, anger, sadness, or anxiety over the past 6 months.…

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Make the “Best” Choice

Make the “Best” Choice 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

Ever worry about choosing the “best” option for yourself? The best job offer? The best project? When it comes to big choices in our lives and careers, there are an…

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Transforming Fear Into Courage

Transforming Fear Into Courage 1382 922 Sharna Fabiano

In Leigh Bardugo’s marvelous novel, Six of Crows, the protagonist Inej reminds herself, “When there is fear, something is about to happen.” In this way, she trains herself to pay…

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3 Ways to Stay Sane

3 Ways to Stay Sane 1382 922 Sharna Fabiano

Not for nothing do long-time activists emphasize rest as an integral part of their work. As pandemic restrictions extend into summer and the Movement for Black Lives encounters continued aggression…

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Emotional Awareness

Emotional Awareness 1000 1000 Sharna Fabiano

Emotional awareness, or emotional intelligence, is the ability to read and interpret our own feelings, empathize with others, and adjust our speech and behavior to reflect social context. It’s a…

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Expressing Your Needs

Expressing Your Needs

Expressing Your Needs 900 600 Sharna Fabiano

The theme of “honesty” comes up frequently in the context of relationships. Most of us would probably agree that honesty is important. It helps establish trust and makes us feel…

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